Dragonfly Labradorite Earring

SKU: FF0388
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Silver Gold
  • Silver Gold
  • Gold


Labradorite gives feelings of strength and perseverance to people. It is also used to relieve stress and anxiety.

For all those who yearn for change, a piece of jewelry with labradorite would be a perfect symbolic present. It can be also given to those who will experience major changes in their lives such as an expectant mother, a fresh graduate who just got her new job, or a newly-wed.

This two-in-one Dragonfly Labradorite Earring comes with detachable labradorite ornament that can be used multi-purposely as a necklace pendant. The dragonfly design serves as a reminder to someone to spread her wings and embrace the changes.

  • Handmade With Love
  • Authentic 925 Sterling Silver
  • Unique Design
  • Natural Gemstone (Labradorite)
  • Beautifully Packaged
  • Free Worldwide Shipping
  • Great For Gift
Collection: Dragonfly Series
Material: Sterling Silver, 18k Gold Plated, Labradorite  

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