Bird Leaves Necklace

SKU: FF0247
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  • Silver
  • Gold


People envy birds' ability to fly. They are adaptable to the changing environment they have to encounter every day. One of their survival skills is using leaves to build their nest or blanket during the cold of the night. Birds and leaves are among the most favorite things we can relate to nature and become a popular inspiration for jewelry design. Therefore, our creative artisans handcrafted a classic masterpiece to give honor and prestige to Mother Nature called the Birds Leaves Necklace.

The Birds Leaves Necklace pictures an intricate design of a bird and leaves in sterling silver hanging gracefully on your neckline. This fabulous nature-inspired necklace jewelry suits all women of all ages and can be worn with any kind of fashion wear such as casual, formal, or workwear. A timeless masterpiece, indeed.

  • Handmade With Love
  • Authentic 925 Sterling Silver
  • Unique Design
  • Beautifully Packaged
  • Free Worldwide Shipping
  • Great For Gift

Collection: Leaves Jewelry Series 
Material: Sterling Silver, 18k Gold Plated
Length: 45cm

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