Aladdin's Lamp Necklace

SKU: FF0205
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  • Gold
  • Silver


The famous magic lamp from the eternal fairy tale is the inspiration for this necklace. Known as the residence of a powerful genie who grants three wishes, the lamp is something that everyone desires. With this smaller version of Aladdin’s lamp, even without a genie, people can transmit fairytale magic in their lives.

Aladdin's Lamp Necklace is a perfect gift for people of all ages whether that’s the fairy-tale lover young boys and girls or the grown-ups who needed to be reminded that they were once a wide-eyed child who believes they can achieve the impossible. Because of its intricate design, this replica of Aladdin’s Lamp is almost like a real deal. It also comes in silver and gold. 

  • Handmade With Love
  • Authentic 925 Sterling Silver
  • Unique Design
  • Natural Gemstones
  • Beautifully Packaged
  • Free Worldwide Shipping
  • Great For Gift

Material: Sterling Silver, 18k Gold Plated
Length: 40cm + 5cm or 15.75 inches + 1.97 inches

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