Plum Blossoms Chalcedony Pendant

SKU: FF0743
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Plum Blossoms came to be a symbol of winter and symbolizes perseverance and beauty. These fascinating blossoms inspired our creative artisans to handmade a nature-inspired sterling silver jewelry called the Plum Blossoms Chalcedony Pendant.

Only by looking at how colorful yet attractive is the combination of chalcedony, the big green hoop with a sterling silver branch of plum blossoms depicted as the pink mother of pearl. A classic masterpiece of nature-inspired sterling silver jewelry perfectly suits all age groups of ladies and all kinds of fashion wear, be it casual or formal.

The Chalcedony is a nurturing stone that promotes generosity, while the pink mother of pearl is a stress-relieving stone that is meant to calm the emotions. A perfect combination of two elements that suits every calm and generous lady out there.

Pendants come without a necklace. You have a choice of style, color, and length. Choose different types of a chain to match your pendant over here.

  • Handmade With Love
  • Authentic 925 Sterling Silver
  • Unique Design
  • Natural Gemstones
  • Beautifully Packaged
  • Free Worldwide Shipping
  • Great For Gift
Collection: Plum Blossoms Series
Material: Sterling Silver, Pink Mother of Pearl, Chalcedony

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