Waves on a Starry Night Earring

SKU: FF0884
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  • Gold
  • Silver


“Life is like walking on the seashore, on a starry night. Footsteps vanish with waves of endurance and walking towards a destiny, reaching our hands to catch stars in our fists.” by Tanmay Madharia.

An inspiring story speaks about a stunning sterling silver jewelry called Waves on a Starry Night Earring. The Waves on a Starry Night Earring pictures our artisans' meticulous craftsmanship with its sterling silver waves connected to a pinned black sandstone. This beautiful handmade sterling silver jewelry has a classic uniqueness and mysterious vibe that every lady loves about their jewelry.

Sandstone is also called the Goldstone and is a stone of empowerment and confidence. This sparkly stone stabilizes emotions, instills a positive attitude, and builds trust. A piece of magnetic nature-inspired jewelry that every working lady would love to wear every day. A must-have piece of sterling silver jewelry that will perfectly suit your casual or work outfit.

  • Handmade With Love
  • Authentic 925 Sterling Silver
  • Unique Design
  • Natural Gemstone
  • Beautifully packaged
  • Free Worldwide Shipping
  • Great For Gift

Material: Sterling Silver, 18k Gold Plated, Sandstone

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